Welcome to the Learning Commons
The Knowledge and Research Commons formerly known as the E-Resources Centre has 65 computers connected to the Internet. The Centre was established in September 2018, to supplement information resources provided by the main Library, the Richard McMillan Library. Currently, the Knowledge and Research Commons promote and provide research support for the University community.

The library is a member of the Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Ghana which provides access to over 42 scholarly databases including Emerald, Wiley, Taylor and Francis, Ebscohost, Sage Journals, Sage Research Methods, JSTOR, Oxford Journals.
In addition to the databases, electronic textbooks prescribed by Faculty which are accessible through Baobab are also available at the Knowledge and Research Commons.
Literacy Sessions
The Centre is used for information literacy sessions which are organized by the Library staff to undergraduate and postgraduate students and faculty members.

Faculty Training
The various Faculties in the University also hold research related training sessions at the Knowledge and Research Commons.
Plagiarism Checks & Response to Queries
The Centre runs plagiarism services for students and faculty members. The Centre responds to individual troubleshooting/challenges from members.
The Knowledge and Research Commons is managed by well-skilled professionals, namely:
- Mr Ernest Afachao (Head of Unit)
- Miss Keren Yemoh (Assistant)